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The environment that Ms. Triveri has created is so loving and supportive that I'm proud to call choir my home.

My musical mentor is actually my high school choir director, Ms. Triveri. I've always sang, even in elementary school, but I was also really shy. I once found a list of reminders for myself that I wrote in the sixth grade telling myself not to sing loud because I would "embarrass myself." When I joined my high school music department, my choir director gave me so much confidence and helped me enjoy singing even more. I started off loving to singing but hating the way I sounded and now with the tools, tips, and confidence she's given me, I love my own sound as well. She has so many fun exercises and "choral-ography" that she makes us do that gets great sound out of us; My personal favorite is "Ze Ah Ze," when we make a big circle with our arms. I seriously do not think I'd have the confidence or abilities to sing that I do now if it wasn't for her. I have a ton more to learn and I'm really happy that I'm learning it from her. The environment that Ms. Triveri has created is so loving and supportive that I'm proud to call choir my home.

- Sara Van Gaalen

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